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Tribal Maternal and Child Health (MCH) ECHO Evaluation

Cardea Services 
Questions about this evaluation? Email 
We hope you found this educational offering both interesting and informative. Your anonymous responses will be used to plan future educational activities. 
3. What is your primary title:  *This question is required.
5. Overall, how satisfied are you with today's Tribal MCH ECHO clinic? *This question is required.
6.  As a result of today's Tribal MCH ECHO clinic, how has your knowledge on this topic changed?  *This question is required.
7. How likely are you to recommend the Tribal MCH ECHO to a colleague? *This question is required.
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
8. Thinking about today's ECHO session and presenter(s), how would you rate the statements below?
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agreeN/A - did not have the didactic this clinic
Met the stated objectives
Delivered balanced evidence-based content
Was relevant to my work
9. Did you feel the presentation or panel conveyed any commercial bias?
10. Will anything you learned in the presentation or panel today change the way you care for your own patients? *This question is required.