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RISE-UP Ideation Studio Application


Join the RISE-UP Ideation Studio Program and learn to translate an idea into an impactful project. Apply to the program by submitting an application.
  1. Already have an idea? Select Apply with Proposal
  2. Don't have an idea yet and want to attend Ideation Studio for the curriculum training and idea development? Select Apply without Proposal.
This application includes a save feature, so you can stop, save, and return at a later time to complete fields as needed. 

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis by the RISE-UP Ideation Studio team. 

Tip: Avoid jargon. If an acronym is used, spell out the term the first time it is used and note the abbreviation next to it in parentheses. ex. University of Rhode Island (URI)

Here to Help! For specific questions and assistance with your application, email RISE-UP ( with the following subject line: “Ideation Studio Query."

* Indicates required question