Our teams are interested in learning about the experience of running a business in the hospitality sector in Ontario. We're looking to identify areas for improvement and we are inviting business owners to provide feedback via this short 5-minute survey.

Additional research opportunity

We will also be holding 1-on-1 research sessions with business owners to learn more. Leave your contact information at the end of the survey if you are interested in participating in a 45-minute research session. Those who are selected will be contacted via email. 

Business owners who participate in a 45-minute research session will receive a $45 gift card.

At this time we are conducting research sessions in English only. Pour le moment, nous menons ces sessions de recherche en anglais seulement. Souhaitez-vous participer en français, ou à des futures recherches?

Your privacy

Your answers to this questionnaire will be viewed only by our research and program teams. Any personal information you provide in this survey (such as your email address or phone number) will be used only to contact you to book a session. It will not be tied to your feedback.

Information you provide in this survey is:collected per principles established in the Simpler, Faster, Better Services Act, 2019, S.O. 2019, and the Ontario Digital Service Standard This questionnaire is hosted by Alchemer. You can see Alchemer’s privacy policy for more information.

Let us know if you need these questions in another format. 

Questions? Contact businessresearch@ontario.ca  
1. Do you work for the Ontario Public Service (as a permanent or contract employee in a ministry, secretariat or office, not including an agency)?  *This question is required.
2. Is your business located in Ontario? *This question is required.
3. How old are you? *This question is required.