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CPCJ Reviewer in Training Scoresheet

Reviewer in Training Scoresheet

Reviewers have the option to invite a Reviewer in Training (a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, early-career research assistant or associate) to serve as a co-reviewer. This is completely optional. This opportunity is afforded as an educational experience to the Reviewer in Training. The quality of the review is the responsibility of the lead reviewer and not of the Reviewer in Training. The Reviewer in Training will not receive any communications about the manuscript. The use of the contact information for the Reviewer in Training may be used to invite and authorize reviewer roles in the future. If the mentee wishes to be recognized in Publons, the lead reviewer can forward the email that certifies they completed the review to the mentee and then the mentee can send that to Publons.
1. Please fill in the following information about the Reviewer in Training:
  *This question is required.
2. Note the position of the Reviewer in Training: *This question is required.
3. Select the option that best describes how the Reviewer in Training was involved in the review: *This question is required.
4. Would you deem this person to be ready to review manuscripts independently? *This question is required.