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Nursing, PSW, Paramedic, Massage Therapy - Student and CI Pre-Placement Onboarding

Scarborough Health Network:Clinical Student and Group CI Pre-Placement Onboarding

Welcome to Scarborough Health Network - Nursing, PSW, Paramedic and Massage Therapy Student and CI Pre-Placement Onboarding

There are no exceptions to the requirement of onboarding - even if you are active SHN staff and/or even if you were here on placement last term.
This app will take you through a series of mandatory review of policies, videos, and modules that are required for completion.  These modules must be completed to confirm placement, obtain IT access, including Epic CIS. 

When you are finished and submit your profile, you will receive an automated email that contains a PDF copy of the information you input. What will you need to do with that?

You will need to PRINT the attached PDF that contains your email, phone number etc when you go to the Security office for your ID badge. 

Professional Practice provides oversight to this onboarding process, as such, their office also receives a copy of your submission for verification and compliance purposes.