The Supply Chain & Infrastructure Working Group of the
Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector is excited to share the “Sustainability Journey Map & Resource Repository” to support health care suppliers in initiating or accelerating their decarbonization and sustainability efforts. This journey map outlines key stages of the sustainability journey and provides links to best practices, resources, and toolkits. It is intended for any health care supplier, regardless of size, industry, or stage in the decarbonization process. However, it will be particularly useful for companies that have yet to begin their decarbonization efforts or have recently started. Each stage of the journey map includes specific actions that need to be taken, along with potential challenges that may arise. The resources provided in the journey map will address those challenges and highlight actions to help organizations achieve their sustainability goals. The journey map is circular, meaning organizations can revisit different stages to address regulatory, scientific, business, or other factors that develop while on their sustainability journey.
To help keep the resource repository up to date and comprehensive, the working group welcomes the recommendation of additional resources – including best practices, toolkits, and playbooks – that will help health care suppliers start or accelerate their sustainability journeys. The identified resources should address the actions and/or potential challenges described in one or more of the five stages of the Journey Map (please review the
Sustainability Journey Map for detailed information on the stages).
All resources submitted through this survey will be reviewed and assessed against a set of criteria (see below) to determine eligibility for inclusion. Resources that meet these criteria will be embedded in the Journey Map.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Relevance and Timeliness: Content of the resource corresponds to the objectives, outcomes, milestones, and/or actions identified at one or more of the stages in the map and information is recent and up to date (i.e., preferably published and/or updated within the last 5 years). For materials that fall outside this timeframe, please provide a brief explanation specifying the continued relevancy of the information provided
- Reputable and Informed: Source of information is reputable and non-biased while also being evidence-informed where relevant (i.e., supported by data)
- Applicability: Resource/tool is appropriate for the target audiences (e.g., manufacturers, distributors, group purchasing organizations, health care organizations/systems, etc.)
Please note that the survey needs to be completed in one sitting (i.e., you will not be able to save a partially completed survey and return to it at another time).
Please use the survey questions below to recommend decarbonization and/or sustainability resources/tools for inclusion in the Sustainability Journey Map. All materials should pertain to one or more of the following stages:
- Understanding and Navigating the Regulatory Landscape
- Governance and Organizational Planning
- Tackling Scope 1 & 2 Emissions
- Tackling Scope 3 Emissions
- Continuous Improvement
Once you select the target stage(s) for your resources, you will be asked to provide relevant links.