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Mentor Application


Thank you for your interest in our mentoring program and for completing this application. All information collected on this application will be kept confidential within the mentoring program.
Contact Information
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
This question requires a valid email address.
Ethnic Identity:
WHICH CATEGORY OR CATEGORIES BEST DESCRIBE YOU? Select all boxes that apply. Note you may select more than one group. *This question is required.
Employment Information
ACE field/profession (this is general and intended to match you with a student who has a similar career plan. Please pick one below and only write in an other response if absolutely necessary)  *This question is required.
Are you, or have you been an ACE volunteer in the past?  *This question is required.
Do you have a student you are currently mentoring and wish to continue with in the ACE-TPP program? This could be a student from an ACE high school team, an ACE Scholarship winner or an ACE externship whom you already know. The student must be (or was) active in ACE during high school and should be an incoming/current freshman or sophomore in college:  *This question is required.
Do you plan to identify an ACE student to mentor (either through a summer externship, an ACE scholarship winner or student on a current ACE Team), or do you want ACE National to identify a student for you to mentor?  *This question is required.