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2023 House of Worship Deep Dive

House of Worship Deep Dive Survey

1. Does your integration firm perform work in house-of-worship settings (e.g., churches, mosques, synagogues, temples)?
2. When working with houses of worship, who is the primary point of contact for your integration firm?
3. Over the past 12 months, how would you characterize your integration firm's worship business?
4. How many house-of-worship projects has your integration firm completed in the past year?
5. Over the next 12 months, what is your forecast for your integration firm's worship business?
6. How would you characterize the profitability of house-of-worship work versus other kinds of projects that your integration firm does?
7. Which types of products and technologies does your firm currently integrate into houses of worship? (Check all that apply.)
8. Over the next 12 months, which types of products and technologies does your firm plan to begin integrating into houses of worship? (Check all that apply.)
9. What kind of sound-reinforcement system do you find usually works best in a house-of-worship setting?
10. For large-format video, which display format is preferred among your integration firm's house-of-worship clients?
11. Who operates technical systems for most of your integration firm's house-of-worship clients?
12. Thinking about your house-of-worship clients, which statement best characterizes their return-to-sanctuary efforts versus attempts to adapt to virtual/remote worship?