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History Colorado Center Field Trip Waitlist Form

***THIS IS NOT THE PAGE TO BOOK FOR SUMMER FIELD TRIPS!! If you are looking to book a field trip for an out-of-school group during summer break (June 10 - August 9), please visit this page for more information.***


Thank you for requesting a school year field trip to the History Colorado Center! Your information will be added to our waitlist. We will contact you in the order your request is received if spots are or become available. 

In the meantime, feel free to check out our History Take Out programs or rent an Artifact Kit/Grandmother Trunk as alternative ways to get our history content into your classroom!


If you have questions, please contact Josie Chang-Order at (preferred) or 303-866-3345. 

This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid number format.
15. Does your school qualify for Title I status? *This question is required.
16. Desired Program

You can review what each program includes here.
If you aren't sure which program to select, please choose the one that is closest to your grade level. If you have specific content or exhibit requests, please include those in the Additional Details section below.

If you have ALREADY contacted the School Programs Manager about doing a different program, please still select the program closest to your grade level and note our discussion in the Additional Details section.  *This question is required.
17. Are you interested in having your students visit The Sand Creek Massacre: The Betrayal that Changed Cheyenne and Arapaho People Forever during your field trip?

If you request this exhibit, please ensure that all of the staff and chaperones on this field trip know that you will be visiting this exhibit. We will remind your group on the day that this exhibit contains text, audio, and video that describe graphic violence. 
17. The Research Center has many possible options for your program! Please review the options carefully for alignment with your learning objectives. 
17. Would you like to reserve a lunch room?

9:30 am Tour - Lunch from 11:30 am - 11:55 am 
11:30 am Tour - Lunch from 11:00 am - 11:25 am
1:30 pm Tour - Lunch from 1:00pm - 1:25pm

Lunchroom space is not guaranteed.  When our primary lunch space, Camp Colorado, is full, we may be able to offer you a conference room where you can eat "picnic-style" on the floor. You are also welcome to eat outside the museum on 12th Ave; however, please have a backup plan for inclement weather.
  *This question is required.
18. How will you be arriving?
This question requires a valid email address.