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Driver Manual Practice Quiz

Chapter 8 - Defensive Driving


Please Note: This quiz is intended to help you prepare for the types of questions you will be asked on the written test. The questions on the test you take at the DMV may be different. Return to chapter 8


Which of the following may describe a work zone sign?
Aggressive driving can become road rage. What should you do when confronted by an aggressive driver?
Minimum speed signs are designed to:
Seat belts can be most effective as injury preventive devices when they are worn by:
Which of the following is always true about road rage?
On long trips you can prevent drowsiness by:
Driving in a state of rage can:
What is true of work zones?
One of the rules of defensive driving is:
On a New York State highway where there is no posted speed limit, the fastest you may legally drive is:
Signs that warn "lane closed ahead" may indicate a work zone ahead. You should:
A safe speed to drive your car: