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Data Commons: your data, your needs.

TechSoup is collaborating with nonprofits to learn which datasets are useful to their work. Together, we're making publicly available data easier to find and access on Data Commons for Civil Society, a powerful tool that organizations like yours can use to inform your work. Please take a moment to share your organization's needs and your knowledge of data that's useful to organizations in your sector. We rely on your experiences--thanks for joining this project!
1. What type of organization do you work for? Please add the sector if it is not listed. *This question is required.
3. Does your organization collect data that could be useful and made available to other organizations in the sector?
4. We're interested in learning more about the data you believe might be worth sharing with other organizations. If possible, we'd love to have a conversation with you so we can better understand the data you're talking about. You're under no obligation to share the data; we just want an opportunity to learn from you. Please share your contact information if that feels right and we'll be in touch.
5. This is an anonymous survey, but if you'd like to stay updated on this project or you'd like to participate in upcoming activities to help us improve Data Commons for Civil Society, please share your contact information. Thanks for joining us!