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#17 - Good Friday Promotion

Good Friday Promotion

2. Did your council conduct a promotional campaign to engage and educate parish families on the vital importance of Good Friday? *This question is required.
Did your council provide council members and the parish community a copy of Christ: Lord and Savior?
 Did your council display Christian Refugee Relief Prayer Cards at any time during the Good Friday services?
How did your council promote the importance of Good Friday to your parish community? *This question is required.
Why not? *This question is required.
How likely are you to recommend this program to other councils? (0 = Very Unlikely; 10 = Very Likely) *This question is required.
How would you describe your parish / community response?  *This question is required.
On a scale of 1-10, how difficult was it to conduct this program? (1 = Not Difficult; 10 = Most Difficult) *This question is required.