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2023 ICEP Member Survey

ICEP Member Survey

ICEP Member Survey

Please take a few minutes to share more about you, your experience, and ideas how ICEP can prepare for the future and enhance services for the membership community. We appreciate your input! 
1. How would you best describe your current career level/Medical Student
2. What best describes the area where you work?

3. Which of the following best describes the setting of your primary practice?
6. Why did you join ICEP?

Please select up to 3 reasons from the list below.
7. Please rate the value of your ICEP membership. Rank 1-5.

1=No Value– 5=Excellent Value
No ValueLittle ValueUndecidedGood ValueExcellent Value
9. What could ICEP do better to serve its members?

Please select up to 3 responses.
10. What should be ICEP’s focus or goals over the next 3-5 years?
Please choose your top 3.
11. Please indicate what you think are the biggest issues that we as emergency physicians face in our practice today in Illinois.