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Dear Delaware

Dear Delaware

Write, share and connect with a pen pal!

We’ve teamed up with a series of public libraries in Delaware, USA for a pen pal programme. It’s a chance to make new friendships and learn about another persons culture and life experiences. Engage in meaningful conversations and experience the enduring joys of snail-mail!

Simply fill out the online sign-up form below to be paired with a similar participant from Delaware. When we've found you a pen pal you can write your letter and bring it to the library - we’ll take care of the international postage and you’ll be notified when to pick up your letters. 

Please note: Dear Delaware is open to adults, teens and children over 5 years old. In-person sign up and parental permission is required for participants aged 5-15. Online sign up is only available to participants aged 16+.

Your responses will be kept confidential and will be shared with a Delaware librarian in the pairing process. Your membership number and email address will not be shared. Your pen pal will receive only your name, age and interests.  Wellington City Libraries will use your email address to notify you of letters to collect and any updates or changes to the programme. Information provided will not be used for any other purposes. We do not encourage sharing of sensitive personal information, including home addresses.

1. Your contact details *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
3. How important are the following qualities for your pen pal? *This question is required.
Space Cell Very importantNice, but not essentialDoesn't matter
Similar age to me
Similar interests to me
4. How many pen pals would you like? *This question is required.
5. Which Wellington City Libraries branch will you pickup and drop-off your letters from? *This question is required.