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Bayview Community Shuttle service planning

A new community shuttle is coming to Bayview-Hunters Point in 2024!
The "Our Community, Our Shuttle" program is a new dynamic shuttle service pilot program for Bayview-Hunters Point. The program is funded through a $10.5 million grant from the California Air Resource Board’s Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP).
Draft Service area for the community shuttle
  1. Reserve a ride through the app or a tri-lingual call center (Spanish, English, Chinese). Rides can be to anywhere within the service area.
  2. Walk to a “virtual bus stop”. This could be your front door, the corner of your street, or one block away.
  3. Get picked up by a small shuttle vehicle. Pay a Muni fare with your Clipper Card.
  4. Shuttle picks-up and drops off other passengers along the way to your destination.
Tell us about the kinds of trips you would take so we can build a service plan that works.