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Mārama Feedback

Mārama Feedback

Survey for Service Users, Family / Whānau.

We want to provide the best possible service to you and your whānau.
Please tell us how we are doing by taking this short, anonymous survey.

Click START to begin. *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Please select your preferred language
  *This question is required.
I am completing this survey as...
  *This question is required.
O loo o‘u faatumuina lenei sailiiliga i le avea o a‘u o… *This question is required.
e whakaoti ana ahau I tenei tiro-whanui hei… *This question is required.
Thinking about your most recent experience with our service and our people who support you.  How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements....

The service is welcoming and friendly. *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Whakaaro ana ki tō wheako o muri iho nei ki te ratonga/ngā tāngata e tautoko ana i a koe, e whakaae ana, e whakahē 
ana rānei koe i te kōrero e whai nei....

He maianuitanga, he whakahoahoa tenei ratonga
  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Mafaufau I se tou feso'otai'ga lata mai nei ma le auaunaga/tagata o lo'o latou lagolagoina oe....fa'ailoa mai lou ioeina po o lou le taliania o fa'amatalaga oi lalo

O lenei auaunaga o le fa'afeiloaiga ma le faauo
  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
I feel respected

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Ka pa te aroha ahau

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Ou te lagona le faaaloalogia o a‘u

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
I am involved in decision making

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Kei ahau te mana ki oku whakataunga katoa

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
O lo'o ou a'afia I faiga o fa'aiu'ga

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
The people I see communicate with each other when I need them to

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
E kōrero ana ngā tāngata e kite ana ahau ki a rātou
anō ina hiahiatia tēnā e ahau

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
E feso'ota'I tagata o lo'o matou galulue pe a ou mana'omia

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
My family / whānau are given information and encouraged to be involved

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Ka hoatu te mōhiohio ki taku whānau me te 
akiaki kia whai wāhi mai rātou

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
O lo'o tu'uina mai fa'amatalaga I lo'u aiga ma fa'alaeau I latou I so latou sao

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
I have the support I need for the future

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Kei a au te tautoko e hiahia ana ahau mō āpōpō
  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
O lo'o ia te a'u le lagolago mo'omia mo le lumana'i *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Our plan is reviewed regularly *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Ka haere tonu te arotake ta matou kaupapa

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
O fuafuaaga ua faataatitia e iloiloina taimi uma

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
I would recommend this service to friends and family / whānau if they needed similar care or treatment

  *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
My cultural needs are being met *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Ka kōrerotia paitia e ahau tēnei ratonga ki ōku hoa me te whānau ina hiahia rātou ki te atawhai pēnei, te maimoa rānei. *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Ki to whakaaro kei te whakatutukihia o hiahia ahurea? *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Ou te lagolagoina le fa'ailoaina atu o le nei auaunaga I uo ma aiga pe afai latou te mo'omia se tausiga po'o ni togafitiga fa'apea. *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
Po ua e talitonu / taliaina ua e tau'a'aoina tulaga uma tau tu ma aga i fanua o e mo'omia? *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
What ethnic group/s do you belong to? Press "Continue" once answered *This question is required.
Nō tēhea iwi mātāwaka koe? Press "Continue" once answered *This question is required.
O lē fea le tagatānuu e iai oe? Press "Continue" once answered *This question is required.
What age range do you belong to? *This question is required.
Nō tēhea rōpū ā‐tau koe? *This question is required.
O a fea le augatupulaga o lo'o iai lou soifua? *This question is required.
What gender are you? *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
He aha tō ira tangata? *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.
O le ā lou itupa? *This question is required. Please select one of the following images.