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Teach Plus Illinois Early Childhood Education Pathways to Higher Education Survey

Dear Early Childhood Educator,

It is no secret that teacher retention rates are falling around the United States. In an effort to combat this, Teach Plus Illinois is advocating for policymakers to eliminate barriers that keep current educators from earning their Professional Educator License (PEL). Student teaching practicums are valued experiences for future teachers, though they have also been identified as preventing people from pursuing or completing their teaching licenses. While the Illinois State Board of Education states students may receive payment for their student teaching experiences, requirements for teaching practicums vary by university.

Teach Plus IL is conducting research to understand the current early childhood workforce’s experience with student teaching. We invite you to complete this short survey, which should take about 10 minutes to complete. All responses will remain confidential. Data will be shared with state policymakers to promote best practices to eliminate barriers.

All participants will be entered into a drawing for a $20 gift card.

Thank you for your time and participation! If you have any further questions, contact
This question requires a valid email address.
4. Which of the following best describes you?
5. What is your race/ethnicity? Check all that apply
8. Did you receive an ECACE Scholarship (only applicable since 2021)?
9. Did you participate in an alternative certification program?
10. Did you work in early childhood education before starting your teacher preparation program?  *This question is required.
15. In which setting did you work prior to enrolling in a prep program?
16. What was the age range of the students you worked with prior to enrolling in a prep program? Select all that apply.
17. In which setting do you work currently? Select all that apply.
18. What is the age range of the students you currently work with? Select all that apply.