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IFS Erotic Brain L

Our Erotic Expectations!

This survey is anonymous and confidential (see our privacy statement) and should take approximately 8-12 minutes to complete. The questionnaire has approximately 20 questions that cover your sexual experiences, preferences and interests.  Feel free to check it out, knowing that at any point you can discontinue without consequence. If you have any questions about it or comments about it please contact Dr. Zebroff at

You must be 18 to participate. By completing the survey you are agreeing to participate in furthering our understanding of human sexuality.

* This test works best on a desktop, laptop or tablet.
2. My gender is:
3. My sexual orientation is:
5. How strong a role did religion play in your household while you were growing up?
6. My relationship status is:
7. I have been in my relationship for:
8. I would rate the general satisfaction of my relationship as:
9. Overall, how satisfactory or unsatisfactory is your present sex life?
10. I often feel something is missing from my present sex life.
11. When it comes to how I relate to others:(please mark which of the following you agree with)
Space Cell NoSometimesYes
I want to merge completely with another person
I find it relatively easy to get close to others
Often, love partners want me to be more intimate than I feel comfortable being
12. Compared to other people of your age and gender, how would you rate your desire to behave sexually with a partner?
(0 = Much less desire  --- 8= Much more desire)
15. How much of each element do you think made this encounter so exciting?
Space Cell Not excitingA little excitingSomewhat excitingVery excitingExtremely exciting
how I could be innocent,or a "good" girl/boy
how I could be a "bad" girl/boy
how I could engage in what is taboo, risky or forbidden
how I could engage in what felt known or secure
how I felt "in charge" and powerful
how I could let go and surrender to the experience
how I was able to yearn for my lover
how I was able to anticipate an encounter
how close and connected I felt to my lover
how I could think about and interact with my lover as a whole person
how I could focus on a particular body part on myself or my lover
how I felt free to do my own thing, what really turns me on
how I could please my lover
17. Think of a time when sex with your partner was not as satisfying as your peak experience, which of the following did you think/feel at the time? 
Space Cell not at alla little bita medium amountquite a bita lot
I felt angry
I felt anxious
I felt embarrassed
I felt disappointment
I felt pressured
I felt overwhelmed
I felt frozen
I felt disconnected from my body
I felt sad
I felt lonely
19. Think of your sex life with your partner, which of the following do you tend to think/feel most often in anticipation of having sex with them? 
Space Cell never or almost neverrarelysome timesoftenalways or almost always
I feel anxious
I feel angry
I feel embarrassed
I feel disappointed
I feel pressured
I feel overwhelmed
I feel frozen
I feel disconnected from my body
My mind goes blank
20. If I think about sex with my partner, the worries that distract me the most from enjoying the moment are:
Space Cell never or almost neverrarelysome timesoftenalways or almost always
I might lose control of my body
I might lose control of my emotions
I might be considered bad or wrong
I may feel pain or be hurt physically
I may feel hurt emotionally
I might feel lonely or disconnected
I might not get aroused
I may not reach orgasm

The approach I use to get the most out of a sexual experience is:

23. How would you prefer a lover approach you for sex? I get most turned-on if my lover: *This question is required.Think about how you start getting aroused --- transitioning from your day-to-day reality toward your erotic-reality. How would you like your partner to approach you. If you do not have a partner, imagine the best scenario for you.
Space Cell Not sexyA little sexySomewhat sexyVery sexyExtremely sexy
'Takes charge' of the situation
Surprises me or approaches me from behind
Pushes me against a wall or bed
Rubs or presses themselves against me (without saying anything)
Gives me deep (tongue), passionate kisses
Caresses all parts of my body (including non-sexual parts)
Is rough or forceful (in play)
Kisses or caresses my neck
Is urgent or passionate
Touches me more than usual (is “handsy”)
Spends quality time or connects intimately throughout the day
Arranges a romantic dinner/event
Describes a particular new sex act we will imagine/do together
Addresses other concerns/worries I might have
Sends me or shows me sexy pics
Talks about my favorite taboo or novel sex act
Makes me laugh or laughs easily
Offers themself to me, encouraging me to "take charge"
Acts genuinely interested in what I have to say
Takes a provocative pose or shows more skin
I would like to be the one to initiate sex