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2023 Performance Audio Deep Dive

Performance-Audio Survey

1. Which performance-audio products and technologies does your firm integrate on a regular basis? (Check all that apply.)
2. Over the next 12 months, which single performance-audio product or technology do you expect to see the most growth in?
3. Over the past year, in which vertical markets have you integrated performance-audio products and technologies? (Check all that apply)
4. Over the next 12 months, in which single vertical market do you expect the most growth in performance-audio product and technology deployment?
5. How many projects has your firm completed in the past year that involved designing and/or integrating performance-audio products or technologies?
6. Thinking about applications involving performance-audio products and technologies, how did your company's revenues in 2022 compare to its revenues in 2021?
7. As compared to 2022, how do you expect performance-audio-related numbers to trend this year?
8. What percentage of your performance-audio applications involve transmitting audio over Ethernet or audio over IP?
10. Thinking about both your own business and your clients' operations, which statement best reflects your feelings about the ongoing constrainment of the RF spectrum and the need to find available wireless frequencies in congested RF environments?
11. Which statement most accurately captures your thoughts on the rise of immersive-audio technology that envelops audiences in soundscapes?
12. Thinking back on 2022, which of these had a negative impact on your firm's ability to close and integrate performance-audio-driven applications? (Check all that apply.)