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Monthly USDA Report

Reports are due by the seventh of each month, with a three-day grace period. Reports are considered late by the 10th day of the month. Late agencies will be suspended until the monthly report is submitted. I.e. March 2023 USDA report is due by Apr. 7th, 2023.

Note:  Agencies that fail to submit reports for four (4) consecutive months on time will be suspended for two (2) consecutive weeks after the month’s late reports are entered.

Incomplete reports will not be accepted. Incomplete reports are equivalent to not submitting your monthly report; agencies can be suspended until corrections are implemented.

Blank copies of requested forms can be found HERE.
1. Agency Number and Name *This question is required.
2. Report Month and Year (Example: March 2023) *This question is required.
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid number format.
8. Distribution logs (Includes Monthly distribution sheet and USDA sign-in logs)
  • Order of report: Monthly distribution sheet, followed by USDA sign-in sheets, organized by dates
  • Files should be titled Agency # + Distribution + Month and year
    • i.e. 1999 Distribution March 2023
  • Files must be COLOR PDF copies
  • Click HERE to see an example
  • You can upload up to ten (10) separate files of approximately 120 pages each (50 megabytes).
  • Accepted formats: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, xls, docx, xlsx, and pdf
*This question is required.
9. Distribution logs (use only if additional space is needed)
  • USDA sign-in logs
  • Files should be titled Agency# + Distribution + Month and year + part 2
    • i.e. 1999 Distribution March 2023 part 2
  • Files must be COLOR PDF copies
  • You can upload up to ten (10) separate files of approximately 120 pages each (50 megabytes).
  • Accepted formats: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, xls, docx, xlsx, and pdf
10. PBCFB Sign-in sheets (only use if you have clients that do not qualify for USDA commodities)
  • Order of report: PBCFB Sign-in sheets, organized by dates
  • Files should be titled Agency# + PBC Distribution + Month and year
    • i.e. 1999 PBC Distribution March 2023
  • Files must be COLOR PDF Copies
  • You can upload up to ten (10) separate files of approximately 120 pages each (50 megabytes).
  • Accepted formats: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, xls, docx, xlsx, and pdf
11. Inventory Report
  • Everything should be a SINGLE PDF file in COLOR
  • Files should be titled Agency# + Inventory + Month and year
    • i.e. 1999 Inventory March 2023
  • Complete question #12: Commodity Loss Report, if any item is listed as damaged
  • Accepted formats: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, xls, docx, xlsx, and pdf
*This question is required.
12. Commodity Loss Report
  • Everything should be a SINGLE PDF file in COLOR
  • Files should be titled Agency# + Commodity Loss + Month and year
    • i.e. 1999 Commodity Loss March 2023
  • Accepted formats: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, xls, docx, xlsx, and pdf
13. Temperature log
  • Everything should be a SINGLE PDF file in COLOR
  • Files should be titled Agency# + Temp + Month and year
    • i.e. 1999 Temp March 2023
  • Accepted formats: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, xls, docx, xlsx, and pdf
*This question is required.
14. Proxy Forms (use only if we requested recent proxy forms from you)
  • Files should be titled Agency# + Proxy + Month and year
    • i.e. 1999 Proxy March 2023
  • Files must be COLOR PDF Copies
  • You can upload up to ten (10) separate files of approximately 120 pages each (50 megabytes).
  • Accepted formats: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, xls, docx, xlsx, and pdf
16. Please upload any pictures you would like to share with the PBCFB.