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A.I.M. Application 23-24

A.I.M. Student Information

1. Name *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
5. Home Address
13. I Identify my gender as...
15. Are you committed to meeting with your Mentor regularly?
16. Are you committed to setting goals with your mentor? *This question is required.
17. Are you committed to meeting monthly with other AIM students and Mentors in our Ally Circles Sessions?
18. What resources/stress-free activities are you interested in or hearing about at the Ally Circle Sessions? *This question is required.
19. Will you live in campus dorms or apartments?
20. Are you interested in working on campus?
21. Which would you prefer for a Mentor? *This question is required.
22.  Can you attend the Official Meet & Greet Mixer on Friday, September 15th, 2023, from 4:00-5:30 pm in the Larrica Cultural Laboratory at Jones Hall? *This question is required.
23. What is your t-shirt size?