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Navarro Executive Fellows Application 23 - 24

NEF Application

5. Are you a U.S Citizen? (Note: You must be a U.S. citizen to qualify for the NEF program). *This question is required.
6. Were you a part of Navarro Executive Fellows last year? *This question is required.
7. What year will you be in as a Navarro Executive Fellow?
8. Are you able to meet with your Executive via in-person and/or virtual multiple times a month?
9. Are you committed to join all NEF sessions/events and attend all NEF monthly meetings? 
10. What office/department would you like to have your NEF experience with? (Click all that applies) 
12. Gender *This question is required.
13. Race/Ethnicity  *This question is required.
14. What is your t-size?