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Libraries Enabling Climate Communication and Education


IFLA is excited to launch this survey together with the Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education (MECCE) Project. This initiative will help to collect information about how libraries contribute to climate education and communication, which are elements of Action for Climate Empowerment.

To launch this initiative, this survey looks to gauge the extent to which your library provides opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to learn about climate change, biodiversity and environmental sustainability.

The collected survey data will provide a basis for creating one or more climate communication and education (CCE) indicators at the country level related to the greening of libraries and library associations. As a measure of non-formal climate education, this project will supplement existing indicators that focus on formal education.

Thank you for contributing your perspective! 


1. I am submitting this survey from the perspective of a library. *This question is required.
If you are submitting this survey from the perspective of a library association, please complete the library association survey instead: Library Associations Enabling Climate Communication and Education