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Youth Voice in Community Schools Communication Survey

Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) developed the Youth Voice in Community Schools Guide to examine the voice, engagement, and leadership of youth in Community Schools and to illuminate practices from the field. The guide supports practitioners in better understanding and providing resources and equitable opportunities to youth in their schools and communities. 

This 5-minute communication survey aims to collect your feedback after reviewing the guide. Meanwhile, we want to collect stories of your practices engaging youth voices in schools and communities. Please take a look at the guide BEFORE responding to this survey. 

Youth Voice in Community Schools Guide:
Framework for Youth Voice, Engagement, and Leadership in Community Schools 
  • Opportunities and resources refer to the approaches and support that youth can have when expressing their thoughts, engaging in programs and activities, and leading the efforts in their schools and communities.
  • Leading knowledge and skills refer to the capacity and strategies youth can acquire throughout leadership-building program/project/ activities.
  • Equity refers to the equity procedure schools and communities utilize to advance youth voice, engagement, and leadership in the field.
1. Based on your understanding and observations, what level is your school at regarding the key elements of the framework?
Basic - Beginning with early conversations but no common language or understanding across the organization.
Moderate - We have had conversations as a staff, school leadership is on board, and we are implementing some aspects of this but do not have full buy-in.
Advanced - Leadership in the school is on board and facilitating the work forward. We have staff support and are implementing.
*This question is required.
Space Cell Not at allBasicModerateAdvanced
Opportunities and resources
Leading knowledge and skills
Youth to lead
Youth being heard
Equitable opportunities for engaging youth
Youth are comfortable with making decisions and leading effort
2. To what extent do you believe this guide is helpful in supporting youth voice, engagement, and leadership work at your school or in your community? *This question is required.
Space Cell Extremely helpfulVery helpfulSomewhat helpfulNot very helpfulNot at all helpful
Youth Voice
Youth Engagement
Youth Leadership
3. What is the following option that can best describe your role at your school or in the community? *This question is required.
5. Would you like to share the youth voice, engagement, and leadership work in your school or community? *This question is required.
6. Contact Information