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2023 Large-Format Display Deep Dive

Large-Format Display Survey

1. Over the past year, in which vertical markets have you implemented large-format displays? (Check all that apply)
2. How many separate videowall applications has your firm completed in the past year?
3. How many separate large-format projection applications has your firm completed in the past year?
4. Thinking about revenues derived specifically from videowall applications, how did your company's revenues in 2022 compare to its revenues in 2021?
5. As compared to 2022, how do you expect videowall application numbers to trend this year?
6. Thinking about revenues derived specifically from large-format projection applications, how did your company's revenues in 2022 compare to its revenues in 2021?
7. As compared to 2022, how do you expect large-format projection application numbers to trend this year?
8. Which display technology does your firm use most frequently when it integrates large-format displays?
9. Thinking of clients for whom you integrated large-format displays in the past year, what percentage of them specifically requested 4K or 8K ultra-HD resolution?
10. Thinking about large-format display applications over the past year, in what percentage of them was your firm involved in content creation or content management?
11. Thinking back on 2022, which of these had a negative impact on your firm's ability to close and integrate large-format display applications? (Choose as many as are applicable.)