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Asthma Action Plan

This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
3. Personal Asthma Triggers (Check all that apply):
Step 1 - Assessment
6. Tightness in Chest:
Space Cell MedicationHow Much?How Often?
7. Coughing/Wheezing:
Space Cell MedicationHow Much?How Often?
8. Harsh Wheezing:
Space Cell MedicationHow Much?How Often?
9. Difficulty Breathing:
Space Cell MedicationHow Much?How Often?
If child has any of the following danger signs, call 911 immediately:
  • Chest sucking in
  • Very difficult breathing
  • Nostrils wide-open
  • Trouble talking or walking
  • Lips or fingernails blue or purple

Step 2 - Treatment

Give above medication as directed. Child may administer, or if necessary staff may administer medication.
Step 3 - Emergency Calls
This question requires a valid email address.