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Inayatiyya Board & Committee Self-Nomination Form

General Information

We sincerely thank you for your interest in serving on an Inayatiyya Board and/or Committee! These types of service are extremely important and valuable ways that ashiqsmurids can advance the Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan as described below in our Mission statement. 

Our Aspiration is to:   
  • Provide training in transformative spiritual practice
  • Advance the understanding that all religions derive from the same divine source
  • Approach the human relationship with the earth as a sacred science
  • Offer a contemplative framework for ethical development
  • Cultivate healing through spiritual means
  • Promote the kinship of all people
Please respond to the following questions so that we can know more about you and the ways in which you see yourself contributing to the Inayatiyya as a leader on a board or committee.
1. What is your name and contact information? *This question is required.
2. We are currently prioritizing new membership on the following Boards and Committees. Which are you most interested in serving on? (Please choose as many as you'd like and we can work together to see which is the best fit)
3. We also welcome interest in serving on one of the following Councils. (Please choose as many as you'd like)
4. Which types of experience would you like to offer to an Inayatiyya Board or Committee? *This question is required.
5. Are you a past or current leader of one or more of the following? (Please check all that apply) *This question is required.
7. Do you have the time available to serve on a Board or Committee?  *This question is required.
8. Do you work well collaborating within groups?  *This question is required.
10. Much of the ongoing business of an Inayatiyya Board or Committee happens on email. Are you able to read and respond to email on a short-turnaround basis? *This question is required.