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2023 My TechDecisions Collaboration Deep Dive

Dear My TechDecisions Reader,

Please take a few minutes to help us discover your organization's collaboration and meeting room needs in 2023 by completing this brief survey as part of our 2023 Collaboration Deep Dive. All responses are kept anonymous. To be eligible to win a $100 Amazon gift card, please provide your contact information at the end of the study.

Thank you!
1. What is your organization’s return-to-the-office strategy?
2. Where does collaboration technology rank in your IT plans for 2023?
3. Which collaboration platforms do you use?
4. How would you rank your satisfaction with your organization’s collaboration technology?
5. What are your organization’s collaboration issues? (select all that apply)
6. What is most important to your organization during a virtual meeting? (select all that apply)
7. How have helpdesk tickets related to collaboration issues and meeting platforms increased for your IT department?
8. What are your organization's concerns with collaboration and conferencing technology? (select all that apply)
9. Have you optimized conferencing spaces for hybrid work since 2020?
10. Does your organization equip remote workers with ancillary devices for remote/hybrid meetings?
11. What software have you invested in since 2020? (select all that apply)
12. What hardware have you invested in since 2020? (select all that apply)
13. How do you roll out conference room projects?
14. Would you be willing to be interviewed by an editor for an article on collaboration?
15. Leave us your contact information to be entered to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!