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Pledging to the Capital Campaign
  • For all campaign-related information, visit
  • Pledges of $5,000 or more are payable over 5 years. Pledges of less than $5,000 are payable over 3 years. Interest-free pledge payments may be made in installments according to your preference.
  • All pledge payments should be made to The RSE Foundation. Gifts to The RSE Foundation are tax-deductible.
  • You may submit a pledge at any time to let us know your intent. Unless you specify otherwise on the form below, you will receive an invoice in the mail within 30 days of submitting your pledge.
  • Pledge payments can be made online or by check. Read details about our available giving methods at the bottom of this form.
  • A copy of your completed pledge form and all the information listed on this page will be emailed to you when you submit this form.

By submitting this completed and signed pledge form, you accept the invitation to join others in support of RSE in its core values of Leadership & Teamwork, Innovation, Social Responsibility, and Academic Excellence and do hereby pledge and agree to contribute the total sum of the amount you list below to The Fortifying an Independent RSE Capital Campaign.
1. Your full name and grad year *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid currency format.
5. Your gift shall be paid over the following period from the date you make your first payment.
Pledges of $5,000 or more are payable over up to 5 years. Pledges of less than $5,000 are payable over up to 3 years. Interest-free pledge payments may be made in installments according to your preference.
*This question is required.
6. You shall make your first pledge payment at the following time.
You will receive an invoice in the mail within 30 days of submitting your pledge by default. Your first pledge payment must be made no later than April 2025 excepting special circumstances.
*This question is required.
*This question is required.

Send pledge statements and donor acknowledgment letters by mail to this address:

*This question is required.
10. Donors will be listed on the Honor Roll of Donors by full legal name and grad year by default (i.e. Jonathan Smith '80). Check one according to your preference. *This question is required.
Pledge Payment Methods:
  • Checks should be made payable to The RSE Foundation with “Campaign Pledge Payment” in the memo line and mailed to our donation processing center listed below:
Rensselaer Society of Engineers
Alumni Relations Processing Center
P.O. Box 7007
Albert Lea, MN 56007-8007