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Sunrise 2022 Local Government Gender Score Card Form

This is the annual score card for the Centres of Excellence for Gender in Local Government. It is filled in during verification by the Gender Focal Points and Committees of all the COE’s. The evidence is presented and verified by independent judges at SADC Gender Protocol@Work Summits. The judges take account of the self-scoring, and of the Community Gender Score Card that mirrors this score card and is administered to women and men in communities. The judges’ score is final and determines the Council’s score for the year. Council’s receive colour coded certificates based on their performance:

In 2019, GL and partners in the COE movement embarked on the “hub and spoke” model (known as the dura/isiphala model in Zimbabwe). This twins best- performing COE councils with neighbouring mentee councils. If you are “hub” or “spoke” council please indicate this under administrative information.

Close to 100 of the 432 councils in ten SADC countries are engaged in the Sunrise Campaign: Empower Women, End Violence. If you are hosting this programme, please indicate this under administrative information. You will be asked some additional questions on this programme in the relevant section.    

In 2019, based on feedback received from councils, the score card has been amended as follows:
  • Recognising that competencies differ by country, not all sections are compulsory. The automated scoring is such that councils are only scored for their areas of competence.
  • There is one summative budget question at the end, rather than for each section.
  • Following the additional training on SRHR as part of the “Voice and Choice Campaign” there are fewer statistical and more campaign questions on this important area of work.

The form is structured as follows:
  1. Administrative information
  2. Audio visual materials and evidence



  III. Sunrise Campaign

If you wish to download a blank copy of the survey before you start click on the link below, however only online applications will be considered so you will need to come back and complete your entry online

Please take note of the instructions below BEFORE attempting to complete your application:
Please enter your administrative information as you start the application. This will allow you to start your application and complete it at a later stage. You can save your application and continue later by clicking save icon on top of the application page. You will be prompted to supply your email address and a unique link will be emailed to you that will allow you to return where you left it off.
  • All sections of the form MUST be completed.
  • Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are compulsory.
  • All narrative sections must follow the editorial guidelines which can be found here
  • When you see an arrow at the end of a box it means there is a drop down menu, please click on the arrow to select the correct option.
  • Use OANDA or the link provided in the application for conversion of currency.
  • It would be ideal if the person that is filling in the application is the person that will be presenting the application. If the person filling in the application is not the presenter, then the presenter’s details should be filled in where applicable.
  • The Designation, Education Level, Age, Sex, Email and Mobile Number fields should reflect the details of the presenter. The Telephone and Fax numbers should be those of the organisation to which the presenter belongs.
  • Please attach supporting evidence, such as action plans, policies, photos, articles or programmes, in- house newsletters and testimonial evidence (letters, E Mails), that attest to the extent to which you have been promoting gender equality in your work. Please note that files may not be more than 50 MB each. You can attach up to 10 files. 
  • After completing page 1 (so when on page 2) on the top, you will see a “Save and Continue later” band on the top of the page.
  • If you want to go check something and return later, they can click on this and enter your email address twice.
  • Once you have entered your email address twice, whatever you have entered in the application form thus far will be saved and you will receive an email with a link to continue. 
  • You can then click on the link and continue where you left off.
  • NOTE: emails may be sent to your junk box, if you do not see the email within a few minutes, please check your junk mail and whitelist the email address as safe. 

Please consult the country officer for help if you have challenges in your application:

Or send an E Mail to:

Thank you for your invaluable contribution to an inclusive, equal and just region in accordance with the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Use this to navigate to the section you want to complete and to see how far you are to completing your application
Section Status Actions
Administrative Information * Not Started
Audio visual materials and evidence * Not Started
Final Page * Not Started
Sunrise Campaign * Not Started