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On-Demand Learning Modules Survey: Hand Scoring CAASPP and ELPAC Interim Assessments

Please complete this one-page survey.

1. Select your job title(s) or role(s) within the LEA. (Select all that apply.) *This question is required.
2. Which grade level performance tasks did you use to complete this On-Demand Learning Module? (Select all that apply.) *This question is required.
2. Which performance tasks did you use to complete this On-Demand Learning Module? (Select all that apply.) *This question is required.
2. Which grade level did you focus on to complete this On-Demand Learning Module? (Select all that apply.) *This question is required.
2. This learning module provided useful information. *This question is required.
3. The format of this learning module was easy to follow. *This question is required.
4. Did you complete this learning module on your own or with colleagues? *This question is required.