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Cornerstone II Pledge card

Cornerstone Campaign II 2023-2024

Serving God and others through our new Church
Potential Pledge Guide:

Monthly                                  Annual                           Total (24 months)

$500                                      $6,000                              $12,000
$300                                      $3,600                               $ 7,200
$100                                      $1,200                               $ 2,400
$  75                                       $ 900                                $ 1,800
$  30                                       $ 360                                $    720 ($1.00 per day)
How you can share your gifts:

1. Cash or check
2. Electronic donation by debit or credit card
3. Stock donation
5. Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) 
1. Please enter your contact information: 
This question requires a valid currency format.
4. Would you like to be contacted for assistance in setting up your pledge donations electronically? 
All donations made to the Cornerstone II campaign will be used towards repayment of the loan to the Diocese which was used to build our new church.