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Professional Learning Evaluation

Course contents and design
2. The instructional methods (e.g. presentations, discussions, case studies, etc.) helped my learning. *This question is required.
3. The pace of the training was appropriate for the content covered. *This question is required.
4. The materials (e.g. handouts, visual materials etc.) helped my learning. *This question is required.
5. The level of difficulty of the content was appropriate for me. *This question is required.
6. The contents are relevant to my roles and responsibilities. *This question is required.
Presenter's evaluation
10. The presenter(s) demonstrated mastery of the subject matter. *This question is required.
5 - Strongly Agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Strongly DisagreeN/A
11. The presenter(s) explained the contents clearly with providing sufficient real-world experiences and examples. *This question is required.
5 - Strongly Agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Strongly DisagreeN/A
12. The presenter(s) demonstrated strong facilitation skills (e.g. encouraged participation, generated discussion etc.) [For workshops only] 
5 - Strongly Agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Strongly Disagree
Administrative matters
14. How did you hear about this training? *This question is required.
15. How is your experience in using the HKICPA Events app? *This question is required.