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Medical Quality Assurance Readership Survey

As a reader of our materials, your feedback is pivotal in determining our future designs and features. We are continuously working to improve our materials to better meet your needs and expectations. Your insights play a crucial role in this process, so thanks for offering your confidential feedback! 
1. What is your age? *This question is required.
2. Which of the following best describes your relationship to us? *This question is required.
3. What type of marketing collateral or material have you encountered that you would like to provide feedback on? *This question is required.
4. Please rate your overall impression of this material. *This question is required.
Not appealing at allExtremely appealing
5. Please rate how likely you are to share this material with others. *This question is required.
Not likely at allExtremely likely
6. What words would you use to describe the material? (Select all that apply.) *This question is required.
7. What elements in the material do you most enjoy? *This question is required.
8. How often do you refer to the report or publication? *This question is required.
8. What is the report or publication you are reviewing? *This question is required.
8. Did you find the report too short, appropriate, or too long? *This question is required.
8. Which website are you reviewing? *This question is required.
8. How often do you visit the website? *This question is required.
8. Did you access the website in the browser or on a mobile device? *This question is required.
8. Did the website load quickly and efficiently for you? *This question is required.
8. Do you have additional comments or questions to contribute? *This question is required.