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Strategies for University Hospitals - 2023 Survey from HBI 

THANK YOU for taking 5 minutes to fill in this simple, anonymised survey. In exchange, we will send you the FULL SET of results completely free-of-charge. This will enable you to compare your views on strategy with your peers both nationally and internationally in other university hospitals and research institutes.

How does your strategy and viewpoint as a university hospital compare to your peers nationally and across Europe? Are they more or less pessimistic? Do they share your goals and outlook? Where do they stand on value health and integrated healthcare?  You will get all the answers to these questions and more in exchange for 5 minutes of your time.  


Your strategic imperatives - what are the most important things for your organisation to succeed over the next five years?

Please score each of these out of 10 with 10 as the most important and 1 as the least important. 
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Persuading employees to accept change generally
Building real control and accountable management of staff
Building institutional intent - a long-term plan for the organisation that everyone buys into
Reducing Staff shortages
Getting the right patients
Implementing Effective procurement
Retaining the economic value of intellectual property you have created
Creating an innovative start up culture
The ability to initiate and manage partnerships with big tech, medtech and pharma