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Fragmented public data: your views

mySociety and the Centre for Public Data are interested in people's views and experiences on the problem of fragmented public data.

We define this as when there is a mandate for many public authorities to publish information, but not requirement on a standard or central place to publish information. Making it hard or impossible to gather all of the published data.

There is more information in this blog post:

Our general approach is we think central coordination is needed, and that light weight and non-technical approaches are required for standards to succeed.

We are especially interested in the views of:
  • People who have run into this issue, what they were trying to do, if they were able to overcome it, or if they had to give up.
  • People who publish information in public bodies to understand what their restrictions are
  • People or organisations with experience in trying to coordinate a single standard or location for public data releases
We can also be contacted by email at:
2. Which of the following apply to you? You can tick multiple options *This question is required.
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