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Naloxone by Mail

Free Naloxone Kit & Fentanyl Test Strip Request Form

Please complete the following questionnaire and watch the training video to request a free Naloxone (Narcan) kit and/or fentanyl testing strips. This program is available to any address in Northwest Ohio. Please note it may take several days to a week to receive the mail. If you would like to receive a Narcan kit or testing strips more quickly please visit our downtown location (635 N. Erie Street, Toledo OH  43604) between 8am - 3.45pm Monday - Friday or call the Naloxone Coordinator at 419-213-4168. We apologize for any inconvenience.
If you are not a Northwest Ohio resident but are an Ohio resident who would like to order naloxone by mail, please visit the state Project DAWN website to view programs that serve all Ohio residents. Please visit for more information.
If you are not an Ohio resident and would like to have access to naloxone and other resources please visit and click on your location to view your harm reduction resource options.
1. What Ohio county do you currently live in?
2. Age
3. Gender Identity
4. Which race(s) and ethnicity do you consider yourself?
5. Multi-racial/multi-ethnic (check all that apply)
5. Is this the first naloxone kit you have received?
6. If no, what happened to your previous kit?
6. Did the person survive?
6. Have you ever witnessed an overdose? 
7. Included in each naloxone kit you will receive: 2 doses of 4mg Narcan Nasal Spray, 1 face shield, 1 pair of sterile gloves, 1 Project DAWN pouch and naloxone education materials (see image below). Please check that you understand and/or if you want to be contacted for more information.
8. I am requesting a Naloxone kit as...

To receive your free Project DAWN Naloxone kit, please watch this short training video.

10. By checking this box, I certify that I have watched the Naloxone training video. You can also request a call to further explain Naloxone nasal spray instructions. *This question is required.
For further knowledge on Fentanyl Testing Strips, consider these resources. We recommend opening them in a new tab. 
12. How many Naloxone - Harm Reduction coasters would you like included? 
13. How did you hear about our harm reduction mail program?
When you administer naloxone, always call 911!

Naloxone Training for workplace? Contact: 

Please note that it may take several days to receive a kit by mail.

If you would like to receive a naloxone (Narcan) nasal spray kit sooner, please visit our downtown location (635 N. Erie, Toledo OH 43604). While Lucas County residents are the only individuals eligible for mail order, it is available by walk-in or appointment Monday-Friday from 8:00 am-4:00 pm for anyone regardless of residency. For more information call 419-213-4168 or email