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FY23 Community Building Grants Request for Proposal

Avondale Partnership & Investment Community Building Grants Request for Proposal: General Fund

To measurably improve the health of local children and address health equity in Avondale, Cincinnati Children’s and the Avondale Community have formed a partnership that creates a foundation and framework for collaboration. The purpose is to guide efforts in improving child health and health equity, child well-being and neighborhood health that is based on best practices and aligned with the strategic goals of Cincinnati Children’s and the Avondale Community. The partnership is aligned with Cincinnati Children’s strategic plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and initiatives to close child health equity gaps that persist in communities of color and under-resourced neighborhoods. Through this framework, Cincinnati Children’s will continue our community investment, support, and partnership over a four-year period (June 2021-July 2025).

The Partnership and Investment focuses on community building efforts by nonprofits working to improve child and community health in Avondale. These efforts should advance outcomes in one or more of the following areas:
  • Excellent and equitable health outcomes
    • Initiatives/Focus:
      • Ensure delivery of equitable care
      • Strengthen health-related wraparound supports
      • Focus on chronic disease, including asthma; closing health equity gaps
      • Participate in Health Equity Networks
      • Participate in All Children Thrive
    • Child Health/Equity Metrics:
      • Improve/reduce disparities in child physical and mental health by % (SES/race)
      • Improve/reduce disparities in infant/child mortality by % (SES/race)
  • Safe and supported families
    • Initiatives/Focus:
      • Activate and integrate family voice in the community
      • Prevent and mitigate adversities
      • Improve access to evidence-based mental health and trauma prevention and intervention
    • Child Health/Equity Metrics:
      • Reduce food insecurity by %
      • Reduce child abuse and neglect by %
  • Path to full potential
    • Initiatives/Focus:
      • Optimize prenatal-5 development, including immunizations and well-checks
      • Ensure maximized academic, social and job readiness
      • Equip schools with necessities to enable learning; Kindergarten Readiness and Third Grade Reading
    • Child Health/Equity Metrics:
      • Youth (%) who engage/enlist/employ by age 18
      • Children (%) ready for K, 3rd, 9th (academic, behavioral outcomes)
* Priorities summarize Child Health, Health Equity, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Priorities.

Organizations can apply for community building grants up to $15,000.

Organizations applying for funding are encouraged to review and incorporate best practices into their proposals by researching and learning about other successful models for community building. Proposals will be evaluated on the potential to build measurable and sustainable impact in the Avondale community. Grants that address community needs, collaborate with other organizations, and that match or leverage funds will be prioritized.

Examples of community building proposals appropriate for these funds include activities that:
  • Identify, measure and close health equity gaps by working in partnership with families and the community
  • Mobilize parent learning and engagement networks as child champions and caregivers
  • Implement mental health and trauma prevention and intervention strategies to better support children and families
  • Leverage educational initiatives to improve learning and reading outcomes in children and students
  • Build academic capabilities and connections to extracurricular activities for youth and workforce opportunities

All funding requests should include measurable and sustainable goals and outcomes. Eligible organizations include nonprofit and tax-exempt organizations with an established track record of serving Avondale residents. Competitive applications should include a proposal that addresses community needs, is based on evidenced-based practices, improves efficiency and effectiveness, and directly impacts Avondale residents. Previously funded organizations may be evaluated based on funding priorities, the progress and impact of their previously funded project, and community needs.

Community building funds cannot be used for operating support, salaries, office equipment or indirect costs. Funding is not sufficient to support large scale development projects. Given the focus on community building, preference will be given to proposals that drive measurable and sustainable impact. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Funding proposals are due by 11:59pm EST on Friday, October 14, 2022