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Psychological Autopsy Training

2. Overall, describe this how you feel about this Training:
Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
3. Compare your expectations prior to this course to how you feel now:
Exceeded expectationsMeet expectationsDid not meet expectationsWell below expectations
4. Compared to prior to the training, your understanding of suicide is:
Much betterBetterThe sameMore confusedMuch more confused
5. Would you recommend this training to others working in a similar role/function of yours:
DefinitelyPossiblyNeutralDoubtfulDefinitely Not
6. Answer each below
Space Cell Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Participation was encouraged
Overall, the course was well designed
The LE-PA was clearly explained
The time allocated for the training was sufficient
The location/classroom was adequate and comfortable
10. Feedback on the presenters
Space Cell EffectiveSomewhat effectiveNeutralSomewhat ineffectiveIneffective
Dr. Jeff Thompson
Dr. John Mann
Shane Rogers (ret. Det.)
Sgt. Michael Vitali (and team)