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Energy Equity for Homeowners Technical Assistance Application

Energy Equity for Homeowners Technical Assistance Application Form

Applications for our Energy Equity for Homeowners technical assistance are due by November 4, 2022 at 5 pm ET/2 pm PT. We will announce our selections in November and will provide an estimated 100 hours of ACEEE staff support services to each participating community between approximately November 2022 and May 2023. Please contact Amanda Dewey using with any questions regarding this application. 
Selection Criteria

Applicants must meet these minimum requirements:
  • Lead applicant (the one completing this application) should be a local government
  • Proposed technical assistance will support a policy or program designed to improve the energy performance of owner-occupied housing while preserving or expanding housing affordability
  • Local government applicant must include information about at least one community-based organization (CBO) partner that serves historically marginalized populations and a letter of support from that partner regarding the city’s energy efficiency and/or housing work
    • Note: Community-based organizations (CBOs) are representative of a community or significant segments of a community and provide financial, educational, and/or other resources aimed at enhancing health, wealth, and overall community well-being. For this initiative, we exclude large nonprofits that have a particular area of focus beyond the local level.  We will give priority to CBOs that serve historically marginalized/disinvested populations. 
  • Proposed technical assistance must contribute to the city’s existing work (for example, the city has a program that is significantly planned or underway and is on track to be completed or substantially advanced by the end of 2024)
  • Technical assistance would supplement current and/or planned activities of the city

The most competitive applicants will also have the following characteristics:
  • Planned or active home energy efficiency policy
  • Policy or program development has the potential to result in substantial energy and non-energy benefits (e.g., positive health outcomes, improved household finances, increased comfort) for homeowners
  • Local government applicant submits multiple letters of support from more than one CBO partner
  • Sustainability staff have a strong relationship with local housing department and other relevant housing market stakeholders
  • Policy and/or program that proposed technical assistance supports is replicable in other communities across the United States
  • Local government is taking an innovative approach to policy or program development

This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.
12. If components of the project above are already described in a written plan, please upload a copy of the plan here.
14. Please attach at least one letter of support from your CBO partner(s). *This question is required.
17. If necessary, please upload any additional files here.