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EPA Post-training survey

Thank you for attending! Based on the training, please answer the following questions. 
1. Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:  
Space Cell AgreeDisagree
I feel more confident in identifying environmental concerns in my program.
Young children are resilient and are usually not significantly impacted by exposures to things in the environment.
Using an abundance of cleaning products is an important way to protect children from environmental hazards.
Getting outside is always the healthiest option for children.
2. After attending this training, how has your confidence in your ability to manage environmental health in your program changed? 
Much less confidentLess confidentAbout the sameMore confidentMuch more confident
3. During the training, did you learn something new about environmental health you didn’t know before? 
5. Please rate your experience with the training.
Space Cell 1 - Poor2345678910 - Excellent
Please rate the clarity and quality of the training materials.
Please rate the clarity and engagement of the trainer.
6. How likely are you to implement the self-assessment tool in your program? 
Will not implementNot likely to implementWill likely implementCertainly will implement