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Facebook Join Process: Fifth Bright Line

Unlike other Special Interest Groups that Bright Line Eating Solutions, LLC (“BLE”) does not create, run, administer, or monitor, BLE has created and currently administers and monitors the Fifth Bright Line Special Interest Group. Accordingly, Rule # 1, Rule # 2, and Rule # 3 of the Rules governing Special Interest Groups do not apply to BLE. The foregoing notwithstanding, by joining and participating in this Special Interest Group, you agree to be bound by the remainder of the Rules.

The Fifth Bright Line Special Interest Group was created specifically for those individuals wanting support around creating an additional Fifth Bright Line of no binging and/or purging, restriction or excessive exercising. It is available to Bright Line Eating members.

It’s a loving, compassionate and supportive community moderated by Dr. Joy Jacobs.

The purpose of this group is to foster connection and support. Any specific coaching requests must be addressed by submitting a request for coaching on the "Fifth Bright Line Calls” page under "Attend Calls Live" on the “Coaching Calls" page in the Hub. In order to protect the privacy of group members, as well as for ethical reasons to protect your health, Dr. Joy is unable to provide formal coaching on Facebook or accept private messages via Facebook. We ask that you respect this policy.

We kindly request that you refrain from posting food photos within this Facebook group. It can be triggering for some members.
This question requires a valid email address.

Because the group is "Secret," you must send Elizabeth Simone a friend request, which allows us to temporarily “friend” you. Once you are “friended,” you will be welcomed into the Fifth Bright Line group within 72 hours.

After you click the button below to open Elizabeth Simone Facebook profile, click on the "Add Friend" button:  OR  then return to the this form to click the arrow (on mobile) or "Submit" button (on desktop) at the bottom of this page to complete your request.