As part of our commitment to Inclusionary Practices in Washington state, OSPI has been developing an Inclusionary Practices Handbook to guide districts and educators in establishing these practices in schools. The handbook framework and content was designed in collaboration with a committee of educators and state partners and has been released on the OSPI Inclusionary Practices webpage. The focus of the handbook is to demonstrate how inclusive practices in general education along with dedicated collaboration between general and special education can create conditions where all students thrive.
The handbook is currently in draft form. The framing is based in large part on the results of an initial survey sent out to districts in fall of 2020. It is important to hear from educators, leaders, and partners in education before all chapters can be compiled and finalized.
Survey Instructions: There are 3 sections of the survey:
- Survey section 1: Feedback on the introduction through Chapter 2.
- Survey section 2: Feedback on Chapter 3.
- Survey section 3: Feedback on the handbook as a whole - as an informative and practical tool for inclusive practices.
Please take the time to review the handbook, and reflect on the questions in the survey sections to provide both positive and constructive feedback. The introduction through chapter 2, and chapter 3 are accessible on the OSPI Inclusionary Practices Project website. Your feedback will be anonymous and confidential, but the voices of educators will be of immense value in the final product.