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Competitive Challenge - Movies/Travel/Music

Competitive Challenge — Movies

1. Alchemer's brand color is gold. Match these movies with gold in the title to the year of their release.  Group the following items into the provided categories. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible categories. Next click a category to add the item to the category.
3. Alchemer helps businesses pose questions in surveys. Which of these movies with questions as the title scored over 50% on Metacritic? (Check all that apply.)
4. Alchemer surveys help power digital transformation. In the Transformers movies, what color is Bumblebee?
5. Another Alchemer core value is to "Be curious," encouraging employees to find innovative solutions to challenges. Just for fun, mark your favorite and least-favorite movie detectives.
Detective Best Worst
Philip Marlowe
Hercule Poirot
Sherlock Holmes
Miss Marple
Jacques Clouseau
1 of 1 sets