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Area-based partnerships/collaborations survey

About this survey

The Centre for Education and Youth (CfEY) are working with The Association of Education Committees (AEC) to carry out research into ‘area based education partnerships/collaborations’ with the aim of exploring these models for school improvement and what they might mean for the future of the schools landscape.

To help us understand what is happening in local authorities across England we are inviting you to complete this survey.

We know that area based education partnerships come in many different shapes and sizes. However, for the purpose of this research we are predominantly interested in partnerships that take a strategic responsibility for the performance of schools in a local area, for example: Birmingham Education Partnership , Learn Sheffield and Herts for Learning.
At this point in our research, we are therefore excluding partnerships that focus solely on other areas (for example cultural education or childrens’ social care).

What do I have to do?
We're really hoping you will be able to help us, by filling out this survey. It should take around 8-10 minutes.

What will you do with my survey responses?
We will collate everyone's responses and store them safely. The data will then be analysed and written up into a short report for the AEC. We may use your responses in our final report and other public outputs such as websites and blogs, but we will not use your name.

Who else will find out what I say in this survey?
We might share your responses with other genuine researchers and store our data in an archive so that researchers can see what you said in future. Your name will not be shared, and other researchers will only be allowed access to your data if they agree to keep it confidential. It’s your choice whether you want to do the survey. If you don’t want to take part, you don’t have to tell us why.

Who can I ask for more information?
If you want more information about the research and what your participation will involve, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Head of Research, Ellie Mulcahy ( We really hope you will be able to help us with our research by filling in this survey.

Thank you!