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Unlock Inner Entrepreneur Quiz

Self Describe Statements

1. Please rate the following statements on how accurately they describe you.
Space Cell Not at all accurateA little accurateSomewhat accurateVery accurateCompletely accurate
I neglect other aspects of my life, such as relationships, self-care, or health and fitness, to spend more time on my career.
My earning potential shouldn't be limited by my boss choosing to promote me.
I see people around me and on social media doing amazing things, and it drives me crazy because I know I could do the same thing (or even more).
I want to be recognized for my hard work.
I want to advance in my career, but my boss doesn't see how hard I'm working.
I've done everything right in my professional life. I should be farther ahead than I am.
I’m successful and good at my job, but it’s not fulfilling.
Not at all accurateA little accurateSomewhat accurateVery accurateCompletely accurate
I work my tail off at work, but I'm not seeing the payoff I was expecting.
I often feel like I work for people who just aren't as smart as me.
I struggle to say no to things, but then I dread following through on what I've committed myself to.
I've thought about starting my own business or creating a side-hustle, but I'm worried that I don't know how to make it work.
I've been successful in my career so far, but I still feel frustrated or stuck.
All of my time belongs to someone else. I never get to spend time on what really matters to me.
I make suggestions to my boss(es) all the time, but nothing ever comes of my ideas.