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MarCom Benchmark Survey 2022

Intro Text

Thank you for taking the time to participate in the 2022 Marketing and Communications (MarCom) Benchmarking Program. 

Your thorough and complete responses are key to ensure the validity of the benchmarks.

Once the survey period is complete, all respondents will also get a link to a report which aggregates some of the findings. Once we collect a minimum number of responses you'll receive a link to review the results from this study via our dashboard. If you are a subscriber to the By the Numbers benchmarking tool, you'll be able to choose specific participating organizations with whom you can benchmark your results. The dashboard allows you to choose benchmarks relevant to your organization. Learn more about how to subscribe.

Please click NEXT to proceed with the survey.  To save changes, click the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom right side of the screen.  

To Save and Continue, you will need to provide an email address.  You will receive a link at this email address to continue your survey.

For help with completing the survey, see FAQs, use our Worksheet, and/or Contact us.

*Note: This survey is best optimized using Chrome or Firefox browsers.