Interested in becoming a Make-A-Wish Wisconsin volunteer?
Join a caring community of volunteers who transform lives! Together, we can make countless wishes come true. Your time and unique talents are critical to bringing strength and hope to wish kids when they need it the most. In fact, our volunteers are at the heart of every wish experience.
Make-A-Wish volunteers' work is impactful and meaningful. Their efforts are rewarded—not in dollars or cents, but in the incredible difference they make in the lives of our wish kids. Volunteers even have the freedom to choose when and how they would like to help transform lives in our community!
Please complete the following information. A Make-A-Wish Staff Member will be in contact with you upon completion. Thank you!
This question requires a valid email address.
Step 1: Volunteer Types
We understand that you want to volunteer but might not know where your skills and talents best lie. Check out our volunteer opportunities and see where you can best help make wishes come true!
Step 2: Complete the Volunteer Training(s)
Complete self-paced online training to learn about our mission to grant wishes for children with critical illness and how you can help. Volunteers are onboarded on an as needed basis. The Volunteer Manager will send you the links and next steps upon receiving this form.
Step 3: Complete an Application
Upon completion of the online trainings, you will receive the application information from a Make-A-Wish staff member. This is used as a preliminary screening tool, and incomplete applications will not be considered.
Step 4: Volunteer Interview and Background Check
Once we've received your completed volunteer application, you will be asked to complete a volunteer interview and criminal background check.