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Mapping Intercultural Mission (2022)


Mapping Intercultural Mission in the UK

The following 5-10 minute survey focuses on two main questions: 

What are the main barriers for churches engaging in intercultural mission?
What effective intercultural mission activity is going on across the UK?

As a church leader or church goer, your responses to this survey will help build the Intercultural Hub (an initiative to help UK churches learn grassroots best practice in intercultural mission), and ultimately improve the UK church's ability to cross-cultural divides. Respondents will also be given inside access to the results from this robust national study. 

Thank you so much for your time, 

The Intercultural Hub team.


Throughout this survey we define intercultural mission as: Crossing ethnic and religious divides to show and tell the Gospel, desiring to make disciples of all nations/ethnicities within our local community.This is done in a way where cultural distinctives of various groups are recognised and celebrated, with each group adapting where necessary in order to honour Christ above all competing identities.