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ISPE Webinar Proposal

Thank you for your interest in hosting a webinar. The Society is currently accepting proposals for educational webinars. Any ISPE committee, council, RIG, or SIG seeking to sponsor a webinar must submit the form below. The Education Committee will review each application, and if approved, staff will work with you to schedule the webinar.

Webinar proposals must be submitted a minimum of one month in advance for approval and marketing purposes.

Typical format: 60 minutes total; 45 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes for questions.
2. Proposed dates and times; state times only in US Eastern Time zone. For scheduling purposes, please provide two time options per date. *This question is required.
Space Cell First ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird Choice
1st time option
2nd time option
8. List of speakers (Name, affiliation, topic)
10. Target Audience; you may select more than one *This question is required.
12. Is this webinar for all ISPE members or a subset (e.g., members of a particular SIG)
13. Please provide consent for ISPE to post the recorded presentation to the ISPE website and share publicly. *This question is required.